The reuse of extra virgin olive oil in canned sardines

Discover more about how reuse extra virgin olive oil from canned sardines.

Solenn Heuzé
June 2, 2022

At Cannery Gonidec, sardines and anchovies are prepared following the old-fashioned way (sardines are fried in oil) and carefully prepared. Indeed, sardines headed and gutted by hand for an irreproachable finished product

The used oil is carefully stored and recovered by a company specializing in recycling frying oils. In 2020, around 49 m3 of sunflower oil has been recycled to obtain bio fuel.

Too good to throw extra virgin olive oil

How could you reuse the extra virgin olive oil from canned sardines?

Our sardines are enhanced with a tasty extra virgin olive oil.

But what to do with this oil once you have eat or drained your sardines?

There are many quick and easy recipes for reusing the extra virgin olive oil from canned sardines.

In vinaigrette, marinade for your seafood products, seasoning on your favorite dishes (pies, pizza, etc.), cooking oil for your potatoes, etc.

Here a reipce to inspire you => Pizza with sardines



  • Pre-heat the oven 200°C
  • Roll out the dough
  • Mix together: fresh cheese, fresh cream, salt and pepper. Add everything on the dough
  • Peel and finely mince the onions and add it on the pizza
  • Add on the top of the pizza all the olives stuffed with anchovies, then bake at least 20 minutes
  • When the pizza is cooked, add on the top the sardines. keep the extra virgin olive oil from the canned sardines.

Then the cherry on the cake is to reuse the extra virgin olive oil from the canned sardines and add some spices such as hot chili pepper. And to add this spicy extra virgin olive oil on the warm pizza.

Solenn Heuzé

Gastronomy lover and 100% passionate about Brittany, France! I'm part of the Boutique de France's adventure since the beginning and proud to put forward our gastronomic culture!

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