Crumbled tuna in tomato sauce

Format 160 g
Brand Les Mouettes d'Arvor
Range Worldwide
Reference produit TLMT5
Code EAN /
HS Code 1604144699

Product description

Crumbled tuna in tomato sauce is a delicious tomato sauce-based specialty that is perfect for all your recipes : from wraps to salted pies. Responsible fishing in Indian, Atlantic or Pacific oceans.

Specie of fish : Skipjack Tuna.

Discover others tuna recipes:

Made in France, our expertise

Brittany (Bretagne) is all about getting away from it all, whether you’re walking or enjoying good food, following your dreams or just exploring. Along the footpaths, on the beach or in the cobbled streets, take a deep breath of sea air and let yourself go: this is Brittany! With the region’s local, seasonal products, you’re sure to find something you like – for gourmet experiences you’ll never forget.


Their know-how and expertise have allowed both companies to be granted by several certifications such as the IFS or the EPV Label, mark of recognition of French State, put in place to reward French firms for the excellence of their traditional and industrial know-how.

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