Conserverie Gonidec, more than 60 years of storytelling

Conserverie Gonidec is a French familial cannery founed in 1959? Since it s creation, the French seafood cannery continues to offer premium canned seafood from sardines to white tuna.

Solenn Heuzé
February 8, 2023

This articles aims to put forward the storytelling of the French seafood cannery from owners to fishermen since 1959.

The French seafood cannery through the eyes of Jacques and Valérie Gonidec, owners of the cannery

How did the storytelling of Conserverie Gonidec began?

“The cannery has been founded in 1959. My grand-parents embarked into this ambitious adventure by beginning the cannery in their basement. At the beginning, it aims already to produce premium canned seafood by working with local fishermen. My father follows my grandfather path and took the head of the cannery with my grandmother, named Aimée, in 1951.” – Jacques Gonidec

Since its creation, what has changed?

“Not much. We are used to say to our customers that we haven’t invented a new canned sardines. Canned sardines from the old days are the same, today. We are committed to offer French local products from fresh fishes prepared thanks to the traditional know-how.

We supply ourselve only with local fishermen, it is a significant commitment for us.

The only thing that has changed, it is that now we are in a more modern environment. The opening of the new plant in 1995 and its expansion in 2011 have allowed us to be conform with the EU norms and to improve the working conditions of our collaborators.

Over the years, we have also launched a new product category, fish spreads that coud be taste in alls seasons!” – Valérie Gonidec

What are the next steps to pursue the store-telling?

“Since the creation of the brand, the high-quality of our French canned seafood remains our main commitment. We wish to continue to offer high-end Made In France products and stay faithful to our commitments formalized thanks to:

  • Our own sustainable fishing charter
  • Our certification such as: PME+ / RSE 26000

As always, we want to offer new up to date recipes to satisfy our customers” – Jacques Gonidec

A local and historical storytelling

Raymond Bourhis, fishermen and local historical supplier

” I’ve worked with Conserverie Gonidec for more than 35 years! At the time, I’ve used to deliver the Father, Mr Gonidec, now, I worj with his son, Jacques in the new fabrication plant. We know each other well, we like each other and we even argue sometimes but in a friendly way.

I supply the French cannery in sardines, anchovies or/and mackerels. Mouettes d’Arvor canned seafood are premium delicate food, hand-made prepared. Fishes landed from boats in the port of Concarneau are immediately prepared in Gonidec fabrication plant. The French seafood cannery has the experience and continues the French know-how for more than 60 years!” – Raymond Bourhis

Solenn Heuzé

Gastronomy lover and 100% passionate about Brittany, France! I'm part of the Boutique de France's adventure since the beginning and proud to put forward our gastronomic culture!

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