The importance of aging cans
Our advise: don’t eat canned sardines the following day of production
Aging is important: if you taste a sardine the day after canning, it won’t be tasty.
At Cannery Gonidec, we are use to say that it taste like “hot water bottle”, this specific taste is due to sterilization process.
To offer a delicious and comfit saridnes in extra virgin olive oil, it is necessary to wait 6 months.
“Personally, I consume them at 2-3 years old, then the great metamorphosis occurred. “You have to eat a can of sardines when it’s expired” used to say my my father-in-law Jacques Gonidec.” – Valérie Gonidec, Director of Cannery Gonidec
Difference between limited vintage canned sardines and regular ones
The limited vintage canned sardines
Differences between regular sardines and limited vintage canned sardines like Sardines de Saison 2021 are due to :
1.The fresh sardines
- The cans are made with fresh sardines, caught in the season of production from June to July (depending of the season) by local fishermen from Concarneau on the Atlantic coast.
For example, Sardines de Saison 2021 are only made with fresh sardines caught in the fishing season from 2021.
The fresh sardines are directly handmade prepared and canned so sardines kept their freshness.
As regular sardines, they have a “AFNOR certification” because they are handmade prepared and placed in cans.
Fishes prepared the old-fashioned way (sardines are fried in oil) and carefully prepared. Indeed, sardines headed and gutted by hand for an irreproachable finished product
2. The limited edition
- Packaging are limited edition that are illustrated or created together with local painter from Concarneau. The packaging of limited edition aims to put forward the fishermen, their former or actual everyday life or local events.
For example, limited vintage canned sardines “Ville Bleue” is an historical range of sardines created in 1996, which put forward every year one french painter from Concarneau, France.

Discover our sardines in limited vintage and collector cans.
- Packaging are limited, so lot of people like to collect them or to use it as decoration.
Once, limited vintage canned sardines are out of stock, Cannery Gonidec can’t produce it anymore.

For example, the limited vintage canned sardines, Ville Bleue 2019 – out of stock was a tribute to the French painter, Lucien Victor Delpy. His oil painting “Thoniers et reflets du port de Concarneau” (“Tuna seiner and reflections in Concarneau’s port”) has illustrated these delicious canned sardines in extra virgin olive oil.
The french cannery recommends to storage its limited vintage canned sardines few years, this way, sardines get better over time like good wine. That is why, passionate and connoisseur consumers make their own reserves, their “sardine cellars”.
What about the collector cans?
Collector cans are like regular sardines in cans but they have a collector cans referring to local events, fishermen in their everyday lifes, etc.

For example, the canned sardines “Filets bleus” is a reference to festival of “Filets Bleus” of Concarneau, Brittany, an historical event that has been created in 1902-1903 to support local fishermen and their families.
Did you know?
The name of the festival is inspired by the fishermen from Concarneau, throwing off, at that time, blue nets of the docks to fish sardines.
Limited vintage canned sardines, symbol of French local artists
Focus on the limited vintage canned sardines Ville Bleue
For 25 years, Gonidec cannery offers every year a new emblematic limited vintage canned sardines Ville Bleue that outs forward the piece of art of one local French artist. For the limited vintage canned sardines Ville Bleue 2022, the French company has choose the artistic work of Anh Gloux, French maritime-inspired craftsman and illustrator.
Discover more with the interview of Anh Gloux.