We enter a new world, in which we have to produce well, to
produce good, to produce sane.
What is the Group Jean Hénaff?
A french group at an human scale
The Group Jean Hénaff is a french group that gather four independant french companies.

Discover more about:
Our mission:
✓Create, manufacture and distribute high pleasure, high quality nourrishing food products, while targeting a positive impact of our economic, social and environmental activities.
Company’s by-laws of the Group Jean Hénaff S.A:
« Our company is managed according to its business purpose
taking into consideration its economic, social and environmental impact ».
In order to have committed products you must be a committed company,.
It’s not only having set an indicator or calculated a carbon footprint that does make the difference. It’s our past, what we do on a daily basis
and how we perceive the future that matters”
French responsible strategy with positive impacts, Be good 2030
Be good 2030 is a responsible strategy that aims to calculate its impacts on our environment and to contribute to increase its positive impacts. The Group Jean Hénaff’s strategy has 5 pillars with 14 priority commitments.

Pillar n° 1️⃣: Guardians of our Breton environment
- Combating climate change
- Protecting water resource and biodiversity
- Expanding the circular economy
We are committed to protecting the exceptional nature of Brittany by carrying out our activities in an exemplary manner, controlling our environmental footprint and managing the resources in an economical and innovative way. More generally, our duty is to contribute to the daily fight against global warming.
Pillar n° 2️⃣ : Committed to our Hénaff community
- Being a responsible employer
- Staying a privileged partner of our suppliers
- Setting up new partnerships (consumers, NGOs…)
We want to keep our culture alive as it is already the case for more than a hundred years while adopting the current management and governance practices based on wellbeing, respecting each other and listening to our employees, partners and suppliers,but also
to our consumers and to the players of the civil society.
Pillar n° 3️⃣: Pioneers of a territory in the forefront
- Highlighting the enhancement of the local resources
- Carrying on being the “pilot-fish” of the Breton economy
- Contributing to the dynamism of the territory
We want to be a driving force and a key player in developing local dynamics on our territory. We participate in making Brittany stronger faced with the challenges of the future thanks to targeted actions: opting for proximity sourcing, investing in the innovation services, actively supporting our regional culture.

Pillar n° 4️⃣: Respectf for animals and living thins
- Ensuring pigs welfare throughout their lives
- Participating in the boom of responsible fishing pratices
- Ensuring the quality of our other supplies
We have our heart set on respecting the man who made the renown of our company: every day, we work for better breeding conditions for pigs. Let’s do not forget that seafood is our second resource, favoring responsible fishing practices.
Pillar n° 5️⃣ : Demanding for all our products
- Offering healthy and gourmet products
- Innovating for the food of the future
We take up current nutrition challenges thanks to a high level of quality and an exemplary food safety, and to the continuous research for having tasty products with a nutritional balance. Because tomorrow our food habits will be different from the ones we currently have, our research are based on finding innovative ingredients and new feeding ways.
Discover our French spreads and dips, 100% natural ingredients, perfect for your french appetizers for the festive season.