What is the new french CSR label “RSE – Bretagne 26000”?

Every day, both companies, part of the export alliance Boutique de France, are committed into a robust project aiming at a positive impact of their activities.

Solenn Heuzé
March 2, 2022

Jean Hénaff and Cannery Gonidec have been certified “RSE Bretagne 26000” (meaning CSR Brittany 26000), a real success for both companies and Boutique de France!

What is the new french CSR label “RSE – Bretagne 26000”?

A french CSR label to re-affirm the CSR commitments

It is the first territorial french CSR label created for the members of “Produit en Bretagne*” network.

RSE – Bretagne 26000 ensures all third parties that the company is working on a continuous improvement program on twenty-four different topics as defined by the ISO 26000 norm.

Nowadays, it is the only French CSR label that guarantees the reliability of the assessment which was carried out by Bureau Véritas in October 2021 during a 3-day audit and an assessment on twenty-four principles.

Jean Hénaff SAS and Cannery Gonidec are labeled for 3 years and each year, they now provide a progress report explaining the CSR actions they implemented the previous year.

GlobeXplore SAS, another company within the Jean Hénaff Group has also been labelled.

The main objective is to make long-term progress on the eight pillars:

  • Responsible governance
  • Commitment to diversity / people’s rights
  • Working conditions and relations
  • Preservation of the environment
  • Good Business Practices/Supplier Responsibilities
  • Interests of customers and consumers
  • Local development and general interest
  • Know-how / Certifications

*“Made in Brittany” – Association, network of companies promoting Breton know-how and responsible values

As a Breton manufacturer-producer of high-quality food products and committed to the positive impact of its activities in 2030, Jean Hénaff SAS has chosen to structure its Be good 2030 approach using the ISO 26000 standard. To provide reliable guarantees to our stakeholders, we wanted Bureau Véritas to certify our commitment to the new territorial french CSR label “RSE – Bretagne 26000” because it is the compelling proof that our company has taken its social and environmental responsibility into account.” – Loïc Hénaff, Executive Chief Officer at Jean Hénaff and member of french board of the United Nations Global Compact in France

How has been created this french CSR label ” RSE Bretagne 26000″?

A french CSR label that goes beyong the ISO 26000 norm

This “RSE Bretagne 26 000” label, which is therefore optional for Produit en Bretagne members, was co-constructed by the Produit en Bretagne CSR Commission and the creator of the CSR Label Lucie, according to the basic principles of the international ISO 26000 standard (governance , environment, business ethics, consumer interest, local development, human rights, relationship and working conditions).

But Produit en Bretagne has chosen to go even “further in terms of governance and local development. “The contribution to the economic development of the territory has been increased around local recruitment, education and professional training for the territory” as explained by Frédéric Lerebour, manager of Lobodis and leader of the CSR commission of Produit en Bretagne. “But also help with integration, local purchasing, local investment or co-investment, the fight against nuisances and pollution”.

The local development from the ISO 26000 standard has also been even more developed by Produit en Bretagne, that has added a part to promote culture in Brittany through the support and safeguarding of Breton intangible and tangible heritage.

The french CSR label, “RSE Bretagne 26000” commits its owner to encourage local recruitment, local sourcing, local investment, climate fight, etc. and to preserve the cultural heritage (material and immaterial).

Labeling process of this french CSR label

4 main players involved in the RSE Bretagne 26000 labeling process:

  1. The adherent member of Produit en Bretagne, candidate to obtain the french CSR label
  2. Produit en Bretagne/Made In Brittany association:
  • Ownership of label and reference
  • You manage the labeling committee
  • Mandate the Lucie agency for the administration of the label
  1. The Lucie agency:
  • Manage the labeling process
  • Animates the group of labeled companies
  1. The independent third-party body
  • carry out the audit

This certification complements and gives credibility to Cannery Gonidec sustainable responsibility charter and to Jean Hénaff Be good 2030 approach. This french CSR label aims to anchor responsibility for a more sustainable world in our action and aims for the positive impact of our activities.

Solenn Heuzé

Gastronomy lover and 100% passionate about Brittany, France! I'm part of the Boutique de France's adventure since the beginning and proud to put forward our gastronomic culture!

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