Guardians of the Breton Environment | Be good 2030

This articles aims to put forward commitments and actions part of the sustainable strategy Be good 2030.

Solenn Heuzé
February 1, 2022

Jean Hénaff is committed to protecting the exceptional nature of Brittany by carrying out its activities in an exemplary manner, controlling its environmental footprint and managing the resources in an economical and innovative way. More generally, Jean Hénaff duty is to contribute to the daily fight against global warming.

Combating climate change

Reducing its energy consumption

Goal: Energy consumption: less than 1 kWh per kg of produced products.

Aware of the energy issues influencing the land, the breton environment and the products’ competitiveness, the french company, Jean Hénaff, sets goals to reduce its energy demand, especially fossil-fuel generated energy. From 2015, an energy audit has been conducted on its whole activities. Smart sensors have been installed to digitize the readings and manage them as best as possible.

The french company uses propane gas, supplied by the French company Primagaz, in order to supply its boiler and its hot water tank. Its consumption between 2019 and 2020 has increased by 2.36% due to a higher production in 2020.

Producing green energy: Biomethanation

Jean Hénaff is involved with one of its farmers who installed a methanizer on his farm in Beuzec Cap Sizun, located at about 25km from Hénaff company. Every month, the cannery send him about 50 m3 of grease coming from its water treatment plant. Grease is of interest for its high methane production potential. The methanation process converts farm waste into an energy source, biogas which enables producing electricity and heat. The methanation residue, called digestate, is recycled and applied on fields.

Protecting water resources and biodiversity of the Breton environment

Water management: being an example to follow for the protection of the Breton environment

Goal: Optimizing the total water consumption.

Discover more about Jean Hénaff french water management.

Expanding the circular economy

Reduction and recovery of industrial and logistics-related waste

Goals: 0,15 kg of waste per kg of produced products and 95 % of recycled wastes

In 2020, the proportion of waste per kg of products produced increased compared to 2019 (0.27kg) due to the increase of finished products in 2020. « Producers or holders of waste must treat it themselves. They are responsible
for the conditions in which it is collected, transported, disposed of or recycled » (art. L.541-1 of the Environmental Code).

It is essential to us to inform, raise consumers awareness of selecting and recycling wastes. That’s why 100% of Hénaff products show the recycling instructions. CITEO is a non-profit company created by companies to reduce the environmental impact of packaging and paper. CITEO offers to companies several solutions so that 100% of their packaging are reusable, recycled or recyclable. In 2020, the Jean Hénaff company paid 111 625.17 € of packaging taxes. Contributing to the packaging tax enables CITEO to finance the collection and sorting of packaging.

We are working on the installation of a skip bucket for common industrial wastes (all the non-inert and We are working on the installation of a skip bucket for common industrial wastes (all the non-inert and non-hazardous wastes). Up to now, we sort paper and dispose recycling waste to recycling centers.

Solenn Heuzé

Gastronomy lover and 100% passionate about Brittany, France! I'm part of the Boutique de France's adventure since the beginning and proud to put forward our gastronomic culture!

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